Redesign an alternate CD packaging design from an existing album.
I redesigned a CD cover design for Lady Gaga’s 2008 debut album, The Fame. This album is full of upbeat sounds and synth-pop, perfect for dancing your cares away. The album's core is about living the life of the rich and famous, exploring sexuality, and ultimately wanting to find love.

I wanted my design to center around the idea of a party girl, someone who draws the energy of the room onto her and wants to have fun, with the paparazzi following her every night. The packaging design follows the events of the party girl’s night out, from the plastic front cover through the inner booklet and ending on the back cover. I drew inspiration from celebrity paparazzi pictures, club lifestyles, and the early 2000s as a whole.

As I took photos, I found that highlighting the colorful cool tones in the photos reflected the fun of the album. Utilizing colorful lights, flashes, and slow shutter speeds helped me achieve a dreamlike and freeing feeling.

The inner booklet showcases the journey of the main character's night out: getting ready, drinking, dancing, and coming home. At first, I placed the lyrics over the images, but that created problems with readability and could have been a distraction from the photos themselves. Then, I opted for a setup that shows the pictures like a scrapbook.